Wednesday, April 6, 2011

True Friendship

Once there was a baby elephant whose name was Ellora. She lived with her master who was very cruel. When the elephant was tired and would go to sleep, the cruel master would give her whip lashes. The little elephant was tired and irritated of her master and thought of a good plan to escape. The master was a lazy man who used to get up very late in the morning. Early next morning Ellora got up and went to meet her best friend, the neighbours’ horse Cinders. Her master too was very lazy and slept for a long time. Cinders had a carriage attached on her tail . Ellora told her “Hey, Cinders you know right, my master is very cruel to me, so I have a plan to escape.” Cinders said, “I too want to escape from here.” Ellora said, “You have carriage attached on your tail and can run fast. I shall sit in your carriage and you run to the forest. This way we can escape.” The horse agreed. Ellora sat in the carriage and Cinders ran to the forest. Thus the two friends escaped. Their masters had got their punishment. Moral: A friend in need is a friend indeed. A clever mind is rather better than a sword in most cases.

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